
My name is Alexis Faire, and I am currently pursuing a Master of Arts degree in Journalism and Mass Communications – Emerging Media from The University of Georgia. I earned my undergraduate degree in Journalism from The University of Alabama in 2017. My goal is to take my teachings of technology and design and combine it with my journalism background.

I developed my passion for learning about people and listening to their stories at a young age. Writing, whether it was fact or fiction, allowed me to tap into my creative side and show my interest of storytelling. I eventually realized journalism was the career for me.

I grew up in the small town of Enterprise, Alabama, where everyone knew everyone, and the same people in your kindergarten class would likely be sitting next to you during your high school graduation. Although it was not a bad place to grow up, I always dreamt of experiencing more. My opportunity came to me when I was accepted into my dream school, The University of Alabama. There, I truly found myself and grew my love for people and communications.

While I enjoy writing, I’ve also always had a passion for learning other outlets, such as technology, photography and design. I hope to, one day, develop my own media company and to give opportunities to those who enjoy creating and a platform to those who feel like they are unheard.

Click here to review my resume.